The Power of a Smile
A smile is a very powerful tool to possess. It affects how you feel, those around you, your workplace, success in negotiating deals & one smile can make (or break) someone’s day. If you can harness and unlock the power lying in your smile, you will find life is just generally much happier, easier and more fulfilling. And here’s why…
Smiling makes you happy.
The more you smile, the happier you feel. A study was conducted and found that those who smile more than 20 times/day are much happier in general life than those who smile less than 5 times/day. The more you smile, the happier you become. Children have been found to smile over 400 times/day, don’t you miss being that carefree? Apparently even a fake smile can increase your overall happiness, so get to it, fake it until you make it.
Smiling is contagious.
Have you noticed that if someone is smiling at you, whether you know them or not, are engaged in a conversation with them or not, you smile too?? And it makes you feel good?? Seeing someone smile at you suppresses your control over your own facial muscles and evokes a reciprocal smile response. This explains how being around smiling children, can make you feel happy (probably accounts for how being around horrible children has the opposite effect). However, fake smiles are not contagious, so this is how we can subconsciously tell how genuine a smile is. Try it out in your workplace, but please, take care to not look like a creepy psychopath.
Smiling makes you feel good.
Smiling imitates your body’s response to positive stimuli, like eating beautiful Japanese food, smelling fragrant flowers or remembering a wonderful dream. It releases the same endorphins into your body, mimicking the feeling of these pleasurable experiences.
Smiling reduces stress.
Similarly to how smiling releases endorphins, those pleasure inducing hormones, it also restricts the release of the stress inducing hormone, cortisol. So by smiling you are getting a double win on the hormone release front, more happy ones, less stressful ones.
Smiling makes you more affable.
Smiling is one of the very first things that you can do to make people like you, from family, to business, to strangers on the street, to relationships. People who smile are naturally drawn to other people who smile & are perceived as more physically attractive than their non-smiling counter parts. Your facial expressions can have a greater affect than words that you speak in how people remember and perceive you. Smiling increases people’s likelihood to trust you, like you and believe in your integrity.
So by simply SMILING, you are:
- Happy
- Making other people inadvertently happy too
- Releasing endorphins into your body
- Reducing stress
- Perceived as a positive person
- You can achieve anything!
If you cannot smile because you are embarrassed or ashamed of it, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
Contact Sydney Boutique Dentistry in Waterloo, Sydney (02) 9699 5199 to unlock your new smile.